Friday, October 16, 2009

Today... someone's birthday!

Happy, blessed, and wonderful birthday and coming year to you, Adam! :-) Does it not feel a little strange to no longer have a "teen" at the end of your age?

Hope you have a very special day. :-)

Another post to come soon, by the way...Tomorrow, probably. :-)


Adam Dawson said...

Thanks NotMyOwn! Yes, it does feel a bit odd. One of my friends keeps calling me "old man". :-P

I had a nice birthday celebration though. On the 17th, my friends and I went to a Thai restaurant, which has the most delicious Asian food I have ever tasted. After that, we all went back to my house for dessert and to chat (we only played one party game). My 21st will eclipse it, though. ;-D

NotMyOwn said...

Thanks NotMyOwn! Yes, it does feel a bit odd. One of my friends keeps calling me "old man". :-P

Haha! And what do you call him in return? ;-)

Yay! Sounds like you had a good day - I'm glad. :-) Are you really already planning your 21st?! :-P Seriously, though...Where does the time go?